Friday, July 28, 2006

Weekly wrap 7.28.06

This week’s mileage: Approx. 26 miles

Total mileage since July 10, 2006: Approx. 102 miles

Gas savings this week: 3 gallons

Total gallons saved since July 10 – Approx. 8

Price of gas today: $3.30

Gas savings since July 10 based on today’s price: $26.40

Quick notes: These numbers are a little misleading. Prior to using the electric bike, I typically burned about 10 gallons of gas a week – but not always. Sometimes I used a little more, sometimes a little less. But for simplicity I’m using 10 gallons as my average. It’s pretty close, but still a ballpark number.

I had to make a lot of trips to the hardware store this week. All those trips were made with my car. I don’t see any practical way to haul 12-foot-long 2x4s on a bike. But paint and even the heavy bundle of roofing felt I bought could be carried on a bike trailer. I have the advantage of living downhill from the center of town, so gravity helps me get home regardless of the load or the power in my batteries.

I’m keeping my eyes open for trailers at thrift stores.

One could ask the question: Why not just use the car?

I could answer back: Why not just use the bike?

The time differential is minimal when comparing the two modes of transportation, at least in my case.

It’s also worth noting that the weather has been spectacular.


At 6:21 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

You wrote: "All those trips were made with my car. I don’t see any practical way to haul 12-foot-long 2x4s on a bike.".

It doesn't seem it would be all that easy to haul 12 foot long 2x4s in a car, either.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Jack Durham said...

On one trip I hauled my utility trailer behind the car for hauling some 12-foot 2x4s. On another trip I flipped down the rear seats, opened the trunk and slid 10-foot-long 2x4s in all the way in until they nearly touched the windshield. The 2x4s hung out the back and I drove home with the trunk open.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Be careful backing up when you do that.


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